Fitness Articles of the Week #8

*image courtesy of Haseo

I would like to start out this round-up by mentioning that I’ve recently decided to go vegan, so you’ll probably see a little more posts like that in here. I won’t be cutting out any interesting “meat” eater articles I come across though. I’ve also just finished my first week doing the Occams Protocol workout routine from The Four Hour Body book by Tim Ferris so you might be seeing a little more of that in the future as well. It’s a minimalist workout designed to bulk up. Stay tuned!

Every weekend I publish a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week. Here are my favorites.

Indigo-3G Repartitions Nutrients into Muscle Instead of Fat

This is one of those things that sounds completely unbelievable. According to this article, their studies has shown that pure C3G, can override your body’s nutritional uptake signals to drive anabolic nutrition into muscle cells and starve fat cells at the same time. If this is true, this is one absolutely amazing supplement. They will be releasing it in limited supply soon, so keep an eye out.

Should I Consume Simple Carbs Post-Workout?

Consuming simple carbs after a workout can be good and bad. Learn how to get the best results with good timing.

How to Make a Healthy Pizza

I love pizza. Too bad it’s so unhealthy. Learn how to make a healthy pizza and indulge without feeling guilty.

Make Your Own Veggie Chips for Cheap and Easy Snacking

I’ve made kale chips before, which are awesome, but I’ve never thought about making chips with other types of veggies.

How I Went From A 210 Pound 3% Body Fat Bodybuilder To A 175 Pound Ironman Triathlete – And How YOU Can Lose Weight For Triathlon Or Endurance Sports

I would have never guessed that people would want to lose muscle to compete in endurance sports, but after reading this article it makes a lot of sense. If you want to compete in a triathlon, you should read this. It’s a long article, but packed full of great info.

Steve Novella and Banachek on Power Balance bracelets

A friend of mine actually gave me a Power Balance bracelet and I was immediately skeptical. I didn’t believe in it all so I guess that’s why I didn’t get the “placebo” effect.

8 Weeks to Super Bench

Everybody always wants to bench more. Follow this program and you’ll be lifting much heavier in only 8 weeks. You’ll need a spotter for this one, especially when doing negatives.

Plaintain Taco

I’ve recently decided to transition to veganism so it’s great to see such a delicious looking recipe right off the bat. I’ve already bought the ingredients to make these tomorrow. I’ve never had a plaintain before, so I hope I like it.

Easy Tofu Scramble Recipe

I just used up the last of my eggs and I won’t be purchasing any more, so I needed to find an alternative for breakfast. During my search I came across this easy tofu scramble recipe, which I’ve already made. It doesn’t taste like eggs, but it looks and feels like scrambled eggs, which should be enough to trick my mind into thinking it’s breakfast food. It tastes good too 😀

How to Eat Healthy When You Live with Someone Who Eats Like Crap

This is a must-read if you live with someone who eats unhealthy and keep dragging you back into bad habits. I have a friend who definitely needs to read this.

The secret to keeping underarm odour at bay

Did you know that sweat from your underarm is an odorless saltwater solution? Yup, it’s not the sweat that smells, but the bacteria on the skins surface that thrives in moist conditions. Gross.

A Bulking Up Workout Plan For Skinny Guys To Gain Lean Muscle Without Ruining A Defined Physique!

I’m a skinny guy who has always had problems bulking up. I’m currently trying out the bulking plan from the “The 4 Hour Body” book from Tim Ferris, so I’ll probably come back to this one later. It looks good.

High Fructose Corn Syrup: The Real Story

I’ve written about high fructose corn syrup before, mentioning an in-depth and scientific article with lots of references. I definitely recommend going back and reading that, but check out this quick article if you have time too.

Controlled-Carb Bulking Strategy

Here’s another really good bulking plan. I like this one because it specifically states that you should already be quite lean before taking this on, which I am. It’s an in-depth program designed to consume carbs only around the workout – an idea I like a lot.

Tricks to Keep Food Fresh

I’ve never been great with keeping my fruits and veggies fresh, so these tips should come in handy. Especially now that gardening season is upon us!

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