The Best Health and Fitness Articles of the Week #105 – How to Test Your Own Blood, Choosing the Right Oils for Cooking and Sculpting Your Abs


Here’s a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week.

How To Test Your Blood, Anytime, Anywhere In The World

Blood tests can tell you about your cholesterol levels, vitamin deficiencies, indicators of disease, and give you insight into organ function. Talking20 is offering three years worth of blood tests, 36 tests in total, for $1200.00. That’s an awesome deal. Too expensive for me, but it definitely seems worth it. One day we’ll be able to order a test like this for under $20. I can’t wait for that day.

7 Ways to Squat Pain Free

Some really simple, but very effective tips. This is a quick read. I have knee pain problems myself, one knee in particular so I plan to incorporate at least two of these tips – a wider stance and a greater depth.

5 Considerations for Creating a Home Gym

The points made in this article makes a lot of sense and everything this writer talks about is exactly why I built my own home gym. It saves me a ton of money, I can take my equipment with me if I move and I don’t have to wait for someone to finish using the equipment before I can use it. It’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made.

Running Guide – Hybrid Athlete Running and Training Guide

If you’re a beginner runner and you’re looking for a place to learn the basics to get started, read this article. This post covers everything – what cardio is, how to start running, warming up and cooling down, developing a plan, tracking progress, and recovering. The article also talks about the different types of running workouts and includes a progressive plan on how to become an advance runner.

Why You Should Have More than One Oil In Your Kitchen (and How to Choose The Best Ones)

This list doesn’t go into the health benefits or drawbacks of certain oils, but it goes into great detail on which oils you should be using based on the temperatures they will be exposed to. My personal choices would be coconut oil for medium heat cooking and avocado oil for high heat cooking.

The Fat-Burning Fat: The Coconut Is Nature’s Premier Thermogenic!

Coconut oil is all the craze right now and for many good reasons. It’s stable at high temperatures so it’s great for cooking. It helps increase metabolism. It can help regulate blood-sugar levels. Coconut oil doesn’t circulate in the blood stream nor stored in the body like other fats and is instead converted directly into energy by the liver. There are many other health benefits, but you need to make sure that you’re using virgin coconut oil. Any other type of coconut oil is probably a waste of money and might even be unhealthy.

What You See in the Toilet Says Something About Your Health

I’ve seen this infographic before but I can’t remember the original source and I don’t think I’ve ever linked to it, so here you go. Here’s a handy chart showing you what your poop should and shouldn’t look like, along with a lot of other really good information about diagnosing health problems based on your stool.

Remembering Joe Weider: The Science Of The Weider Principles

The king of bodybuilding passed away on March 23, 2013. I can’t say that I know a lot about Joe Weider but I know he’s a role model to many and is the reason bodybuilding is the well-known sport it is today. He did a lot of good for the industry, which is evidenced in this post. Check out Weider’s Principles and try them in your own routines.

Physical Activity Does Not Slow Muscle Aging

It’s been long believed that exercise could reduce the effects of muscle aging, but according to new research, it seems that’s not exactly true. For some people, building muscle is impossible. It looks like muscle aging is entirely dependent on your genes.

Herbal Green Smoothie: Cilantro

When I bought a juicer, I made the mistake of making my very first juice a straight green juice. Not only that, it contained an entire bunch of cilantro. There were lots of other greens too but the cilantro overpowered all the other flavors. Ever since then I’ve had a hard time eating cilantro, but I have tried using it small amounts on some foods recently. I want to try this smoothie, but I’m scared!

Sculpt A 6-Pack With Just 3 Moves!

I don’t know if I will ever have abs of steel because I hate all of these exercises. Sigh. I guess I’ll add them to my routine. I’ve been avoiding ab work, but I know I should be doing it.

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