The Best Health and Fitness Articles of the Week #77 – Homemade Coconut Butter, an Onion Caramelizing Trick and Making Perfect Coffee in a French Press

In case you can’t tell what’s in the bag in the photo above, it’s shredded dehydrated coconut that I made from two coconuts. I needed a pound to make coconut butter but as you can see, two coconuts isn’t enough (the scale says 0.565 lb. if you can’t tell). Oh well, Next time!

Here’s a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week.

How to Make Coconut Butter

I was planning on using this recipe to make my own coconut butter this week, but it turned out that I didn’t buy enough coconuts. She recommends using at least a pound of dried shredded coconut otherwise the recipe won’t work. I bought two coconuts, shredded the meat and dehydrated it and ended up with only a half pound. I’m just going to go buy another half pound of already shredded coconut from Whole Foods or Sprouts over the weekend, because it’s just easier.

Front Squatting With a Baby (Totally Safe.) – YouTube

It’s dumb shit like this that makes people think lowly of the CrossFit crowd. How irresponsible and idiotic, all to show the world how “hardcore” she is. Stupid…

Stanford researchers’ cooling glove ‘better than steroids’

This is been a popular story in the past week. Researchers at Stanford created and tested a cooling glove on a test subject in-between sets of pull-ups and they found that it almost completely removed his muscle fatigue. After several rounds, the test subject was able to complete just as many reps as he did in the first round and over the next six weeks, he increased from 180 total pull-ups to over 620. Read this article to learn more about how it works. I can’t wait until these are available commercially.

How to Build a Plyometric Box

When I did a week of CrossFit a couple of weeks ago, I had to box jumps on my weight bench. I didn’t like using the bench at all. It was way too unsturdy, so I’m thinking about building my own box like the one here. I’m going to look around for other DIY methods first before deciding on which one to build, but this one looks solid.

Video: How to Caramelize Onions in 15 Minutes

After watching this I’ve come to realize that I never actually knew how to make carmelized onions. Now if I ever need them I know how to make them properly and using this method, nearly as good as using the slow 1+ hour cooking technique.

Sweet Potato Casserole

I made this and it was pretty good! I needed a change in my regular sweet potato recipe and I found this. I used coconut oil instead olive oil and I think that was definitely the right decision 😉

iPhone Powered Bike Trainer Lets You Ride Virtual Roads

Holy crap this is awesome! This bicycle trainer connects to your iPhone and simulates the cycling experience, such as rolling hills, climbing, coasting, and downhill. It would be even cooler if the iPhone had video of the terrain you were riding on. I can’t tell if it has that feature, but I didn’t see anything about it. No price has been announced for this yet, but it should be out in November.

How to Make the Perfect Cup of Coffee Using a French Press

I’ve been really getting into coffee lately and one of my latest interests is using a french press. I felt like I wasn’t getting a great cup of coffee from it, but now I realize that I’ve been doing it all wrong. My first mistake is using too few grinds per amount of water I’ve been using. The technique mentioned in this article suggests 70 grams of grinds per 1 litre of water. I only want one cup of coffee, so I need to use at least 35g of grinds.I’ve also been covering the press while steeping and then steeping it for way too long, making it bitter due to over-extraction.

Whole Health Source: A New Way to Soak Brown Rice

The biggest problem with brown rice is that it contains phytic acid, which binds to minerals like iron, zinc, and calcium while in the gastrointestinal tract. These bound minerals are not able to be absorbed in the intestine and can lead to mineral deficiencies. But this problem can be mostly nullified by following the advice in this post.
Here’s a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week.

Why We Don’t Use Box Jumps at DBSP

Dan Blewett makes some excellent points in this video. When I did a CrossFit week a couple of weeks ago, box jumps were in one of the workouts. I was looking online for creative DIY methods and during my research I constantly kept coming across people commenting about how they’ve been injured doing box jumps so they rarely do them anymore.

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