The Best Health and Fitness Articles of the Week #95 – Biome Testing, Heavy Rope Training and Recharging For the Day


A couple days late, and a little short but here’s a recap of the best health and fitness articles I read last week.

uBiome – Sequencing Your Microbiome

Having your microbiome diagnosed isn’t something that’s easily accessible by normal consumers and certainly not for the prices offered by uBiome in this indiegogo campaign, so you should considering contributing soon before they are fully funded. You can start at $69 for the GI sequencing kit or go all out for $335 and get a GI, oral, ear, nasal and genital testing kit. Hurry up, you’ve got until Jan. 31st before prices go up.

Jump Rope Training: The Beauty and Power of HEAVY Jump Ropes

I never thought about training with heavy ropes, but it sounds really interesting. I rarely use my speed rope because I never feel like going outside to use it, so it probably wouldn’t be worth my money to buy a heavy rope, but the Crossrope cables mentioned in this article sound amazing. Could you imagine jumping rope with a 3 lb. rope? That sounds painful.

Homemade Oat Milk, Two Ways

I’ve actually never tried oat milk before. I’ve made my own soy milk, hemp milk and almond milk. The only one I really like is almond milk, but it’s still a bit bland for things like cereal. I’m just so used to the sweetened process milks from the store. I want to move away from store bought milks so I’m on the quest to find my favorite homemade “milk”, which means the next to make on my list is coconut milk and now oat milk!

Olympic Lifting: 6 Clean and Jerk Technique Fixes

If you have any interest in olympic lifting, you’ll enjoy this post teaching how to do the clean and jerk properly. There are six tips here, mostly highly technical, provided by olympic lifting expert, Wil Fleming.

Mastering the Mid-day Recharge (In 15 Minutes)

I came across this older article on the Bulletproof Exec site as I was searching for recommendations on how much pink Himalayan salt to use in the my morning wake-up glass of water . The Pzizz app and T-Papp workout sound really interesting. I haven’t purchased the Pzizz app yet, but I probably will soon. I don’t think I’ll be buying the T-Papp DVD’s but it still sounds interesting.