Day One of the Fitness & Health Bloggers Conference

Today was the first day of the 2012 Health and Fitness Bloggers Conference and I had a great time. I actually received a scholarship from the conference to attend, so I get to for free for the whole weekend!

I didn’t realize that I had received the scholarship until I was already at work this morning, so I missed most of the morning’s early presentations by the time I got to the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center, which is where the conference was being held. The early sessions consisted of short speeches on things like internet marketing, branding, SEO and writing, which is what I do for a living, so I don’t need a primer anyway.

After the early presentations came registration, then the tradeshow and tours of the gym and facilities. Most people then went to lunch, and afterwards we all sat in on presentations from Dr. James O. Hill and Dr. Inigo San Millan, both of which were very educating and fun. After that, we split into four groups and attended smaller “cohort breakout sessions.” The session I attended was on on how to find and vet sources for your articles and how to get the most out of health science libraries around the world.

Then we all went back to the gym and most people attended a free workout session and then Chipotle. That’s a full schedule isn’t it? I didn’t feel like sticking around for the free workouts, so I went home early, but it was a great time. I can’t wait for tomorrow.

I’m also putting together a full recap of the conference, which should be online within the next couple of days.