Fitness Articles of the Week #26 – Frankenfoods, Kickboxing and Homemade Exercise Equipment

image courtesy of twm1340

Every weekend I publish a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week. Here are my favorites.

Frankenfood Fears

This is a must-read article for anyone who is concerned about genetically modified foods. The post points out that genetic modification has been around for thousands of years, but people are more worried now, even though science of today has made it much safer.

Five Best Fitness Tracking Web Sites and Services

I track everything I do when it comes to fitness. I track all of my weight-training on printed sheets and I track cardio, runs and cycling, using Runkeeper. I’ve used the tracking tools at as well. Tracking is the only way you’ll ever truly be able to see your progress. It’s a must.

Mental Training for Runners: Boosting the Motivation and Running Performance

This article is short, but provides a great tip that I’ve heard in several places, but I’ve never tried – using a mantra. I’m more of a beginner runner, but I eventually want to run a marathon, so I should get used to using a mantra during hard runs.

Doctors Urge Plant-Based Diet

This article is just a quick mention about a new report from The World Preservation Foundation, titled “Plant-Based Diets: A Solution to Our Public Health Crisis” (Click to download the PDF report).

7 Foods That Give You Gas

Admittedly, I’ve always suffered from excessive gas, much to the dismay of my fiance, and here’s a great article explaining more about the types of foods that cause gas. I’ve noticed in the past couple of weeks after eating easily digestible foods from the Thrive fitness book from Brendan Brazier, that my gas has been reduced drastically.

Grunt & Shen’s Workshop: Homemade Exercise Equipment

This is awesome. If you can’t afford new workout equipment, build your own. The TRX-style stuff is great. I plan to build my own stuff soon.

5 Squat Tips from an All-Time World Record Holder

Squats are something I work on continuously, but I can tell you that reading articles like this have greatly helped me with better form, which in turn results in being able to lift heavier weight with less pain. One thing I would disagree with here though, is about looking up. Many articles I’ve read suggest that you should look ahead and maybe slightly downward, to prevent injury or strain, but not directly up or down.

Kickboxing Workout

I wish I had a heavy bag, because this workout looks like lots of fun. I should put a heavy bag on my Amazon wishlist.

Don’t Be That Awkward Runner – YouTube

This is a hilarious video. I sure hope I’m not an awkward runner.

Raising Calves: How To Maximize Their Growth Potential!

For most people, calves training sucks, and I’m in that same group. I can’t grow my calves to save my life. I’ve tried many routines just like this one, but who knows, maybe this one will work. I’ll give it a go πŸ˜€

Fitness Articles of the Week #25 – 27 Bananas-a-day, Convict Workouts and Mass-Cooking Corn

image courtesy of toddalert

Every weekend I publish a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week. Here are my favorites.

30 Days, 900 Very Ripe Bananas

This is one of the craziest diets I’ve ever heard of, but it sounds very tempting to try out. I think I could eat 27 bananas a day and not get tired of them. I might give this one a shot.

How to Get a Complete Workout with Nothing But Your Body

This is a great, thorough article on using only your body weight to get in shape. I also like the recommendations about how to determine pushup sets. Do as many as you possibly can, until failure, than 1/2 that number and do 3 sets of that many reps. Sounds like a great workout.

Exercise Like a Convict for an Equipment-Free Workout

If you’re ever trapped in a tiny room and you absolutely need to squeeze in a workout, you should check out all the videos from the ConvictConditioning Youtube account.

7-Eleven Expands Vegan Items

This is a sign that veganism is finally going mainstream. I don’t usually buy anything from 7-11 mostly because they’re so expensive, but it’s exciting to know that these options are becoming available.

The Kitchen Scale – A Tool Whose Time Has Come

This article has completely opened my eyes to how to use a digital kitchen scale for preparing foods. I use my scale all the time, but only for measuring portions of already prepared meals. I HATE trying to get stuff like molasses out of a tablespoon. Instead I’ll just use the scale and pour directly into the bowl!

Cook Corn for a Crowd in a Cooler

Damn, this is a great idea! I want to try this one right away. We’ve been getting a lot of rain lately, but if the weather is nice this weekend, maybe I’ll throw a BBQ, with the main course being corn. πŸ˜‰

Fitness Articles of the Week #24 – Hidden Meat, Avoiding Wheat and Curious George

image courtesy of mark.watmough

Every weekend I publish a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week. Here are my favorites.

Meat you may not know you’re eating

When I saw the title of this post, I knew it was going to mention the latest controversy with Chipotle using bacon in their pinto beans. I don’t eat at Panda Express, but I would’ve never guessed that their rice isn’t vegetarian. McDonalds using beef seasoning on their fries isn’t much of a surprise to me though.

Knowshon Moreno on Crossfit – YouTube

Knowshon Moreno is a running back on the Denver Broncos, my team, so I had to post this video of him experiencing Crossfit.

Nearly half of runners may be drinking too much during races

Runners have their own preferred methods of optimal hydration during races, but it seems that quite a bit of those people have the wrong idea of optimal.

Kettlebell Vertical Swing Burpee

Burpees are hard enough, so adding a kettlebell swing probably makes this a killer workout. Check out the instructional video to learn proper form.

Hardgainer Helpers: A Supplement Guide For The Mass-Hungry

Another great article for the skinny folks out there looking to get bigger. This one’s all about the supplements.

Against The Grain: How Wheat Wrecks Your Health And Physique

This is a very interesting interview with Dr. William Davis, who believes wheat should be cut entirely out of our diets. I think anyone out there on a gluten-free diet, but still consuming wheat products, would also find some of the claims from Dr. Davis interesting.

Family meals help children to be less fussy about food

This makes sense, doesn’t it? If you’re trying to get your kids to eat healthy, sit down as a family and eat healthy together. Friendly interaction between parents and children is far more likely to be successful than coercion.

Gullible George

Read on as an episode of Curious George is dissected by the good folks at Science Based Medicine. It’s a fun read.

9 Foods That Can Fool You

Everything mentioned here is generally healthy, but when we go for ease and buy food in cans or if we don’t read labels properly, we might actually be eating foods that were once healthy, but not any longer.

Fitness Articles of the Week #23 – Vigorous Cycling, Peanut Butter and Compression Clothing

image courtesy of indywriter

Every weekend I publish a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week. Here are my favorites. Have a great Labor Day weekend!

Cycling fast: Vigorous daily exercise recommended for a longer life

It seems there’s a correlation in longer mortality rates and high intensity cycling. The study shows that it’s not the duration, but actual intensity, although optimal intensity has not yet been determined. I would assume that it’s just like any other exercise – the harder you work, the better the results.

Easy Slow Cooker Vegetarian Chili

It sounds so easy and looks so delicious. I hope it’s as good as it sounds. I’ve been looking for a reason to get the crock pot out, and this is one mighty fine reason if you ask me! I love chili. I can’t wait!

The Volume Ladder Smart Bomb

Ladder-style workouts are always super-challenging, but isn’t that what makes it fun? This one is designed to get your muscle growing after hitting a wall, so do it for a couple weeks and jump back into your regular routine. I can already picture myself “sucking wind” doing this one.

2 Times a Week for Twice the Gains

I’ve been lifting weights for a long time and I remember the first time I heard about minimalist training like this. I didn’t believe it and I wouldn’t even consider trying it in fear of losing any progress I’ve made. Then I came across the Stronglifts 5×5 website and all of the testimonials persuaded me to give it a go. I can attest to the progress these types of plans can provide. I’ve never bench pressed or squatted more in my life and I continue to make gains every week. Give it a shot.

What is the point of compression sleeves for running?

Some great information about when and why to use compression clothing. Granted, the information is provided by a company who stands to profit from spreading information about the benefits. It’s still a great starting point for more research.

Boxing Is Not A Good Sports Option For Children And Teenagers, Says American Academy Of Pediatrics

It’s great when children want to be active and have a desire to be athletic but sometimes we don’t not think of the negative effects sports like boxing can have on the brain at a young age.

3 Fixes for Weak Body Parts

You can’t go wrong by applying the Einstein philosophy to plateaus in bodybuilding!

The jarring truth about peanut butter

Peanut butter is generally considered to be healthy because it contains lots of protein and healthy fats, but as this article points out, it really depends on the peanut butter you buy. Basically, go organic and read labels.

7 Superfoods from the Sea

A great article from the P90X newsletter. I actually just read some informative stuff about sea vegetables in the Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide. I’m not a fan of seafood taste at all, but I’m willing to give these veggies a try. They’re so nutritious, I have to at least taste them once.

Eat to Get Big Without Getting Fat

There is so much good information in here, especially for me since I’m trying to put on weight, but the problem is that I have to try to figure out how to make it work around a vegan diet. I’m gonna work on putting a meal plan together for this.

Just when you thought that the world couldn’t get any fatter…

Wow, take a look at these predictions. By 2030, researchers predict obesity among men to rise from 32% (already a ridiculous number) to 50%. Or how about 539,000 additional cases of cancer per year? Crazy.

The Bittersweet Truth About Sugar

Sugar makes foods delicious, but is it really worth all the negative things it does to your body? It makes you age faster, it suppresses your immune system and raises insulin levels, among other things. Limit your intake!

Matchup of the Week: Barbecue Wings

Very cool comparison between Tyson BBQ wings and Gardein’s vegan BBQ wings. The vegan version is so much healthier.

The Ultimate Vegan Baking Cheat Sheet

Very handy guide for the new vegan who likes to cook. When I first went vegan I thought I wouldn’t be able to cook or bake much anymore, but then I sought out some cookbooks and learned that there are lots of alternatives. In fact, just the other day I made some awesome cupcakes from the Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World cookbook πŸ˜‰

Decrease in smoking reduces death rates within months

I started smoking when I was 15. At one point I was up to about a pack a day and then I gradually cut back to about a pack a week and then maybe only 3-4 cigarettes every weekend. I quit smoking completely last year in August and I feel great.

Fitness Articles of the Week #22 – Big Dogs, Interval Training and Intermittent Fasting,

image courtesy of nxb

Every weekend I publish a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week. Here are my favorites.

Tips How To Prevent A Dog Attack On Your Next Run

I’ve never been chased by a dog when I’ve been out running, but I’ve always worried about it. We’re so vulnerable out on the trails and there’s nowhere to go. Here are some excellent “dos” and “don’ts” to prevent being bitten.

Muscle-Building Effect Of Protein Beverages For Athletes Investigated By Researchers

According to one study, you can increase muscle protein synthesis more by consuming a large amount of whey protein immediately after exercise as opposed to several smaller doses. A second study shows that muscle protein synthesis is 33% greater when consuming a leucine-enriched protein beverage as compared to a lower-leucine beverage. Obviously being vegan, I can’t consume whey, but this info can certainly be adapted to a vegan diet.

The Complete Guide To Interval Training

I love infographics because they make statistics interesting and fun to read. This one is no different and it’s one of the most thorough infographics I’ve seen. Great stuff!

What to eat before heading to the gym!

I was just looking for information like this for the Warrior Dash last weekend. I did find a few tips before I left, but this article mentions most of what you need to know.

5 High-Calorie Breakfasts for More Muscle

I can’t use the recipes provided here, but I really like the generic meal plan. It’s hard to find information regarding morning workouts, so this is super-helpful for me.

Beat The Heat With A Healthy Summertime Smoothie

I have to admit that I found this article kinda boring, but skip to the end to get to the recipes. I really need to start including veggies in my morning shakes.

The Ultimate Guide to Intermittent Fasting and extremely low Body fat %!

I’m not happy with the title of this post, because it’s definitely not the “ultimate” guide to intermittent fasting, but it is a handy and quick guide for anyone just learning about intermittent fasting. As this article mentions, visit Martin Berkhans site if you want to learn everything there is to know about intermittent fasting.

Fitness Articles of the Week #21 – Gaining Weight, The Ace of Spades and Vegan Candy

image courtesy of Joi

Every weekend I publish a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week. Here are my favorites.

Alcohol Interferes With the Restorative Functions of Sleep

I always hear people telling others to have a couple beers or some wine before bed to help them sleep, and I always tell them that while alcohol might help you get to sleep, you won’t sleep well and you won’t wake up refreshed. Well, here’s another study proving it.

Reprogram Yourself To Eat For Mass

This explains everything you need to know about gaining weight if that’s what you’re trying to do. It’s a very thorough method too. I also like the way this guy writes. People try to be as politically correct as possible, but the Fit Jerk doesn’t. It’s fun to read πŸ˜€

Deck of Cards Workout

I come across this idea every now and then and I always want to try it out but then I forget about it. Maybe this time will be different? There’s also an Excel spreadsheet download on this page to help you create other workout variations.

Preparing Triathletes for the Chaos of Open Water

I’m too scared to compete in a triathlon for many of the reasons stated in this article, but I’m also not a good swimmer. I’ve only barely learned how to swim a month ago, so it’s not fair for me to pass judgement, but open-water swimming in a race sounds scary to me.

15 minutes of fitness a day can add 3 years to your life

A large study completed in Taiwan shows that just 15 minutes of exercise per day can add three years to your life. This doesn’t have to be crazy interval training either. That 15 minutes of exercise can be anything from lifting weights to a brisk walk – as long as you make it at least a moderate form of exercise.

A Land of Vegan Candy

I know I shouldn’t be eating candy, but once in a while isn’t so bad. It’s good to see there are some vegan options I can eat. I actually just found out about Sour Patch Kids a couple weeks ago on my own.

7 Powerful Tips To Master Perfect Barbell Row Technique

I’ve been doing barbell rows for a long time but I can never remember which way my hands should go so I decided to look it up on my phone while I was at the gym. I went straight to because I’ve gotten such good information from there over the past couple of months. This article explains so much and as it turns out, I’ve been doing rows wrong this whole time. I did my final set at the gym using the explained method and it felt amazing. It was like a revelation.

No Bones About It: Eating Dried Plums Helps Prevent Fractures and Osteoporosis, Study Suggests

I’m all for eating foods that can strengthen my bones and plums are delicious! I’m not sure I’ve ever had dried plums though. I’ll give it a shot.

Fitness Articles of the Week #20 – Power Rack Training, Sex Workouts and Barefoot Running

Every weekend I publish a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week. Here are my favorites.

Jimmy Pena’s Power Rack Series

Here’s the first part in a series of training articles based on pushing your self to the limits without a training partner by using a power rack. I’ve been searching like crazy for an affordable power rack on Craigslist to do some training like this.

Exercise Benefits Cancer Survivors, New Report

I’ve always thought that it was common knowledge that exercise and physical fitness was beneficial to cancer survivors, but I guess I don’t really know how that idea got into my head. It just seems right I suppose. Well at least this report proves it.

Cell-Based Alternative to Animal Testing? Genomic Biomarker Signature Can Predict Skin Sensitizers, Study Finds

This is great news! This is a huge step in making unnecessary animal testing a thing of the past.

Downsize Your Plates for Willpower-Free Portion Control

It sounds so simple that you probably don’t believe it, but psychology has proven that by using smaller dinnerware, you’re more likely to eat less. If you’re struggling with dieting, give it a try.

Calories Burned from Sexual Activity

Here’s a fun calculator that will show you how many calories you burn while having sex depending on your weight and the duration of the session. πŸ˜€

The 12 cent Kettlebell for your 4 hour body workout

Another awesome project from Instructables. I definitely want to make this one.

How to Prepare for Barefooting

If you’re considering barefoot running, you should probably prepare your muscles first. Here are some great tips on getting your feet and calves in shape. I can tell you from experience that just jumping into barefoot running will result in horribly sore legs the next day.

Mindful Eating, or Mindlessly Eating Better?

One thing I really found interesting in this article is about how not only are our body composition and cholesterol levels different based on whether we were raised on a healthy or junk food diet, but also our biology. If you were raised on junk food, your brain will find unhealthy foods the most rewarding. It’s a great reason to instill healthy eating habits in our children, but that’s not what this article is about.

Germany’s Strongest Man Is A Vegetarian

Patrik Baboumian has just won Germany’s Strongest Man 2011 and guess what? He’s a vegetarian! People always seem to think that vegans and vegetarians are weak and skinny but as Baboumian stated, “being vegetarian makes you a better athlete!”

How To Exercise While You Sit

The stories about how sitting all day can kill you has been all over the media in recent months, but what can you really do about it? Well here are some simple and easy exercises you can do in your chair to hopefully help keep death at bay for just a little while longer.

Fitness Articles of the Week #19 – Water Workouts, Fat Kids, and Bedphones

image courtesy of Jim Bahn

Every weekend I publish a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week. Here are my favorites.

4 Water Workouts For a Speedo-Friendly Body

This has everything you need to start swimming such as the gear you need, pool etiquette, swim technique and what look like some intense workouts (at least to a beginner swimmer like me).

Horrifying new product alert – body fat scales for children

*sigh* It’s too bad that our society has become so unhealthy that a body fat scale for children has become marketable.

Insurance Must Eliminate Co-Pay for the Pill

Not everyone can afford birth control, and sadly that results in many unplanned pregnancies, so I think it’s great that birth control is now completely covered by health insurance.

Licence to Smoke: Taking Vitamin Pills May Undermine Motivation to Reduce Smoking

A study has shown that some smokers who take multivitamins tend to believe that because they take a vitamin, the chances of cancer are reduced so they end up smoking more, negating the positive effects of the vitamin.

I ran my first 50 mile ultra marathon last week – The Oatmeal

The Oatmeal is one of the best viral marketers ever. Just about everything he creates is hilarious and often spreads like crazy over the internet. I make sure to follow his blog so I don’t miss anything and as it turns out, he’s also into fitness, which is something I never knew about him. Read his post about his first ultra-marathon. It makes me never want to try one.

Watch Your Diet for Hidden Allergies to Avoid Mysterious Migraines

I’ve been reading a lot lately about nutrition and this keeps coming up, so I thought it would be a good time to mention it on the blog. If you get migraines and don’t know why, it’s definitely worth going to the doctor to get tested for food allergens.

10 Healthy “Poor” Man’s Foods for When You Have Nothing to Eat

Most of these foods should already be in your diet, but if not, the low price might sway you towards buying more of them. I eat a ton of peanut butter, oatmeal, brown rice, beans and potatoes and I can attest to the fact that my shopping bill isn’t crazy.

Scientists Identify What Makes Us Feel ‘Bad’ When We’re Sick, How to Treat It

You know how when you get sick, you just don’t have the energy to get up and do anything? This is your body’s way of fighting the illness, by diverting energy. The symptoms of this battle are lethargy, loss of appetite and fever. Scientist may have figured out a way around this by injecting orexin into rats. This could be great for those who suffer from low energy in cases such as cancer, HIV and other diseases.

Secrets From The Country’s Thinnest State

If you want to increase your chances of getting and staying healthy, come to my home state, Colorado!

Fresh Fig and Date Shake

I don’t know what a fig is, but this shake sounds tasty!

Soy Isoflavones and Estrogen

Ahhh, I’ve been meaning to look for articles explaining how phytoestrogens in soy are not the the same as estrogen. And then reading through the article, Ginny led me to another article written by Jack Norris, RD who is a genius in the vegan health field. Both are good reads.

Bedphones Are Ultra-Thin & Light So You Can Sleep [PICS]

I would always go to sleep with music on when I was younger because I believed it helped me sleep better. When I decided to keep the stereo off for a while, I found that I was completely wrong, and I slept so much better. But if you’re the type who just can’t get to sleep without some noise in your ears, try these out. Seems like a really cool idea.

Fitness Articles of the Week #18 – Deadlifts, Family Fitness and DIY Projects

image courtesy of Yupi666

Every weekend I publish a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week. Here are my favorites.

Get It Right: The Deadlift

I’ve never knew such a long article about the deadlift was necessary, but it is and this one’s really good. It goes through everything you need to know about how and why the deadlift works.

Fat Guy’s Family Fitness Adventure Begins

It would be so much fun to do something like this with my own family. I can’t wait to start following along to see how they all progress.

Man Up Monday Workout – ‘Body Weight Ascending Ladder’

There are six different body-weight exercises here, each one starting at 3 reps as you go through a set of all six exercises. You go up 3 more reps each time you start a new set until you reach 21. I’d imagine that you’re gonna be really tired after this workout.

DIY Rowing Machine has an awesome DIY rowing machine project for those out there who are also handy. Don’t row too fast or you might start a fire! πŸ˜‰

Iron Evolution: Phase 5 – Westside Barbell, Technique

This article is not only informational, but also pretty funny. Dave Tate describes his experiences working with Louie Simmons at Westside Barbell in Columbus, Ohio. I would love to be able to work with someone like Louie who could optimize my own squat stance and technique one day.

2011 Military Challenge puts together some great bodybuilding challenges throughout the year and a new one is about to start for military personnel and their spouses. Check it out!

How Can I Train My Core for Summer?

If you need to work on your core (and who doesn’t?) here are some great exercises from Joe Dowdell, a professional trainer to pro athletes and A-list celebrities.

The Carpe Credo: All Birthday Cake and Alcohol is Vegan

I really like the message behind this article. It discusses how none of us can really be 100% vegan no matter how hard we try, but it’s all about doing what we can.

Happy Birthday Cake Shake

This sounds delicious. It sounds unhealthy too, but it’s not! I’m going to try to make a vegan version, which I don’t think will be too hard. I can’t wait.

Yoga Boosts Stress-Busting Hormone, Reduces Pain, Study Finds

If you’re suffering from chronic pain, fatigue or stress, you should consider taking up yoga. Even if you don’t suffer from any of those you should do it anyway. You’ll feel great!

Did, Cravings, Die! 11 Things You Can Do To Kill Them Where They Lay!

I’m super strict about my nutrition and I prepare all of my meals for the entire week over the weekend to avoid straying from the plan, but there are some really goods tips here even I can probably use.

Andy Bellatti on Soy vs. Dairy Risk

Many nutritionists like to criticize soy because of its estrogen content, despite the fact that plant-based estrogen works differently in our bodies than does the “feminizing” estrogen we usually read about. Even so, this article discusses what nutritionist never talk about – the estrogen properties of cows milk and other dairy products.

Fitness Articles of the Week #17

image courtesy of redjar

Every weekend I publish a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week. Here are my favorites.

The Kettlebell Experiment: Bring One To Life For $10

I saw this video when Tim Ferris’ book, The Four Hour Body, was just released and I immediately went out and bought the supplies to build my makeshift kettlebell. It actually works very well. I just came across the video again and wanted to share it, so here you go!

The Biggest Loser Diet

This article doesn’t go in-depth about the Biggest Loser diet, but it does offer some of the fundamentals. The pros and cons section provides some interesting thoughts.

How to Deadlift Like a Pro

Despite being such an obvious sales page, this article and accompanying video have some great tips on doing deadlifts correctly. This info comes from Andy Bolton, who was the first man to ever deadlift 1000lbs in a powerlifting competition so he must know what he’s talking about.

10-Year-Old ‘Workout Kid’ Has Grade Schoolers Sweating And Football Coaches Drooling

Here’s a wild story about a 10-year-old kid, C.J., who has an addiction to fitness. It’s recommended that kids don’t lift weights until at least the age of 15 but he does only bodyweight exercises and cardio. He eats well, has tons of muscle and even trains older kids at the gym, all of his own will. His parents are actually trying to get into better shape because C.J’s work ethic has shamed them into it. Inspiring kid!

For Runners, Soft Ground Can Be Hard on the Body

Have you ever been told that running on softer ground can protect you from injury? I’ve heard it many times. It’s common advice, and it’s wrong.

How Alcohol Is Harming Your Body

It seems that alcohol, no matter how much, can eventually lead to cancer. Why does everything fun cause cancer! πŸ™

5 Nutritional Hacks to Ease Your Headaches

I know you hate getting headaches, so read this article for tips on getting rid of or preventing headaches in the future. With the heat wave we’ve been having over the past few weeks, make sure you stay hydrated and maintain your electrolyte balance.

Gym Etiquette: 11 Common Faux Pas

I absolutely hate when someone takes a 5 minute break on a machine and won’t move to let other people use it. My next biggest pet peeve is when people don’t put weights back after using them. Interestingly, it seems the biggest offenders in my gym are regulars who have been there for years. I guess they think they get special privileges.

Ten Best Running Locations in the U.S.

I probably won’t visit any of these spots other than the one in Colorado, but it would be awesome to be able to run all ten of them.