The Best Health and Fitness Articles of the Week #92 – Knee Rehab, Asparagus Extract for Hangovers and 93 Juicing Recipes


Here’s a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week.

Straightforward Knee Rehab

I’ve been having issues with one of my knees so I did some searching and came across this article. There are some good tips here that I plan to do, but it’s also set me on a path to learn more about what’s causing my knee pain. I see a lot more research in my future 😉

Three Weeks on Modafinil

I do marketing for a living so I sometimes visit the marketing forums. I came across this one earlier in the week. The original poster’s thoughts on Modafinil are interesting, especially as it pertains to helping with boring busy work that many of us marketers do regularly. There’s a lot of other great info in this thread too, for example a mention of the book “The UltraMind Solution” which I now plan to look into.

Eating asparagus may prevent a hangover, study suggests

Plan on partying on New Year’s Eve? Better pick up some asparagus extract to protect your liver cells and alleviate the symptoms of a hangover. I skimmed the study to find out how much extract is needed to see these benefits, but I couldn’t find an exact number. They took 100 grams of asparagus leaves and shoots, dried the samples and extracted them using 1 liter of boiling distilled water for 2 hours at 100 degrees celsius (212 degrees fahrenheit). The extracts were then passed through a Whatman GF/C filter. They found that the leaves provided more benefits than the shoots, so try to find a leaf extract if you can.

93 Juicing Recipes to Help You Through Your Juice Fast

I imagine there are going to be tons of people juice fasting as a way of detoxing or to lose weight as a New Years resolution, so I thought this would be helpful. Click the image to magnify the recipes so that you can see them. This list was created by Israel Torres, who has lost a ton of weight and likely added many more years to his life, by juice fasting.

The 100 Most Influential People in Health and Fitness 2012

This list starts off weak but the further down you go, the better it gets. The list redeemed itself once I started seeing people like Tim Ferris, Eric Cressey, Chris Keller, and Mark Sisson. There are actually a lot of people in this list who sound really interesting. It’s going to take a lot of time for me to visit all of these websites to see if I want to start following what they write, but it’s on my list of things to do…

Pipes and Gears – YouTube

If you’ve got six minutes to spare, check out this short documentary. Nikola Giorgiev turned an old air raid shelter into a gym so that kids had something to do. He created the equipment using old junk and by welding stuff together. It’s awesome what this guy is doing for these kids.

Top Ten Gifts for the Deadlift Junkie

I know Christmas is over but I like this article because it has so many cool products I’ve never heard of before. I really want a home glute ham raise machine. Too bad it’s so expensive. The deadlift bar jack sounds really cool too.