I’ve really been into cycling a lot lately. I just bought a new Trek road bike about a month ago and it wasn’t exactly cheap, but it’s awesome. I love it. I’ve already ridden it a little over 200 miles so far and my hopes are to start riding it three times per week to work. I ride at around 18-20 mph and it’s 14 miles from my house to work, so 28 miles per day is pretty good, I think.
Not as good as what Paul Spencer from the UK can do though. On August 21st, 2010, Spencer completed a Guinness World Record for the “Fastest Cycle Across America (N-S, W-E).” The prior record was set at 444 days and Spencer completely obliterated it. He crossed America in only 44 days, 3 hours, 2 minutes and 26 seconds.

He started from Blaine, WA at the border of Canada and rode to San Ysidro, San Diego, CA at the border of Mexico. After that he drove to Los Angelas where he got back on his bike and rode to City Hall in New York City. He averaged about 106 miles per day! I haven’t even gone on a 100 mile ride yet myself.

The entire journey was captured and chronicled on a site set up specifically for Spencers wild challenges (yes, he’s done others) at YesHesMad.com so if you want to see what it took to do something like this check out the site. This could be the information I need to beat his record 😉
Over the 44 day trip, Spencer rode 4,662.48 miles, rode for 316 hours and 53 minutes, and burned a whopping 317,890 calories. How is this guy not a toothpick after that?