Fitness Articles of the Week #41 – Dirty Food Label Tricks, Squat Tips for Back Problems and Delicious Energy Bar Recipes

It’s my first weekly update of 2012! I didn’t have any plans to set resolutions this year because I always have personal goals in mind all year round, but the new year definitely has a great feeling of starting fresh. I’m excited for what 2012 has to offer and I hope you feel the same way!

Here’s a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week.

Top 10 Food Label Tricks to Avoid in 2012

Isn’t it ridiculous that we have to worry about things like this? I hate having to see if my food has partially hydrogenated oils or having to make sure the first ingredient in my bread has the word “whole*” in it. Our food industry and its regulators are a failure.

* With everyone talking about how bad all forms of wheat is, I’m not sure it even matters if the label says “whole” anymore.

Kirschen’s Powerlifting 101: What’s Up With The Chains?

I’ve never had the opportunity to use chains when lifting weights, but I’d love to try it someday. Perhaps I’ll invest in some at some point.

Should You Go Vegan to Get Skinny?

Great article from a vegan dietician. I agree completely. Go vegan for healthy benefits, not to lose weight. Just as a side note, from what I’ve seen personally, people who go vegan and then revert back to omni typically don’t have a meal plan in place. If going vegan is your New Years resolution, make sure you’ve done your research and you have a solid plan in place.

Newton’s Way of Squatting

If you have back problems, you should read the squatting methods mentioned in this article to build some muscle in those legs. The safety squat bar seems cool, but I won’t be able to afford one of those anytime soon.

Popular Programs – Starting Strength & Stronglifts

This is an excellent analysis of two of the most popular strength training programs around. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m doing the Stronglifts routine with great success. I’m still considered a beginner lifter, but I hope to change that throughout this year.

A foldable, zippable compact hiking shoe

How cool are these?! I want a pair!

Reddit’s Guide to Fitness [Infographic]

I love when infographics are done right and you can bet that Reddit users will do it right. This thing pretty much covers it all.

Vibration-based exercise app lets users run through virtual cities

I really wanted something like this early last year when I was using the cardio equipment at the gym. Since I’m trying to bulk right now, cardio isn’t a part of my routine, but I want to do some cycling training before Spring, so I just might have to give this app a go in the coming months.

Brutal 500 Rep Workout – YouTube

10 exercises at 50 reps each. I’ve done workouts like these and they will kick your ass. You can bet on being sore the next morning… and probably for 2-3 more days following the workout.

Superpower Energy Bars for School Days and Work Days

Here’s a whole bunch of energy bar recipes so that you don’t have to eat the processed crap from the store. I admit that I keep a box of Builder’s bars in the cabinet and at work just in case I need some quick food, but I’d really like to start making my own. I rarely eat energy bars because of all of the weird ingredients, but I could definitely see myself eating the bars in these recipes regularly.

20 Must-Read Fitness Sites for 2012

I wasn’t sure what to expect after clicking through to read this article, but I was pleasantly surprised. These sites are operated by some of the smartest in the industry. I actually read a few of them regularly and now I have several more to add to my list.

Q&A With Vegan Bodybuilder Michelle Risley

There’s a great video here with Michelle Risley discussing why she went vegan and how she’s able to be a bodybuilder while maintaining a compassionate lifestyle.

Vegans Muscle Their Way Into Bodybuilding –

Vegan bodybuilding is getting more popular everyday! I also learned that Robert Cheeke was a skinny vegan as a teenager and became the bodybuilder he is today entirely on a vegan diet. Proof we don’t need meat to get buff.

11 Training Tips for the Skinny Fat Ectomorph

I also have the “skinny fat ectomorph” body type which has made getting bigger a real struggle for me over the years, so the tips in this article are sure to help me in the future. I’ve been wanting to buy some fat bar grips too.