Here’s a recap of the best health and fitness articles I’ve read over the past week.
I had no idea that coconut oil could be used in so many ways. I think it’s too expensive to use for things like shaving and massages, so I’ll just stick to eating it. 😀
ALCAT – Food, Chemical & Gluten Sensitivity Testing
A coworker of mine was just talking to me the other day about how he took a blood test and had it sent out to be analyzed for food sensitivities. His test showed that he doesn’t do well with soy and oranges, which confirmed what he already knew, in addition to several other foods. I would be very interested in getting one of these tests. I don’t know if he used ALCAT, but he said that his family physician extracted the blood and sent it out. Some health insurance plans might even cover the test. I hope mine does.
How to Perform Grappler Pull-ups
I’ve never heard of pull-ups like these, but they sure do sound tough. And if you’re not strong enough to do grappler pull-ups yet, check out the progression plan at then end of the article to help you get better at pull-ups.
Dr. Terry Wahls – Minding Your Mitochondria – YouTube
This is one of the best videos I’ve ever seen on how people should be eating. At one point, Dr. Wahls could barely even walk anymore because of multiple sclerosis, but she changed her diet and reversed the effects of the disease. This is proof of the importance of the foods that we consume.
Another awesome gardening idea! I don’t have mulch or rocks surrounding my back yard and instead I have about a foot of empty space all along my fence, which basically just grows tons of weeds. I’d really like to buy a bunch of hay bales to grow some food instead. The only problem is that the plants don’t get any nutrients from the soil, but it seems that you can add nutrients to the bales.
Another cancer tragedy in the making
I’ve read a lot about the Gerson Therapy. It sounds so promising. I’m a strong believer that diet can cure many problems of the body, but I did have my doubts that pseudoscience such as this could cure cancer. I can definitely understand why someone would consider cancer therapy such as this, instead of using radiation and chemotherapy, but If I ever get cancer, I will probably seek out traditional therapy.
I’m definitely adding dumbbell rows, or this Kroc variation, back into my routine after reading this article. Grip strength is something that I’ve had problems with before, and I would love to be able to improve it when doing deadlifts.
Peanut butter is one of the most delicious foods in the world, in my opinion, but I actually don’t really it much anymore, mainly because of all the points made in this article. Although it’s not as tasty as peanut butter, I mainly stick to almond butter.
From what I’ve been reading about beans in the recent months, they aren’t exactly a great food source because the body has problems digesting them, hence the reason for increased flatulence after eating them. Soaking beans before cooking greatly helps the digestion process though, which is what I do regularly.
9 Training Strategies for Knee Pain
If you suffer from knee problems, here’s a great list of exercise you can do to continue making gains while working around the pain.
Get Your Butt Out of the Hole – How To Improve Your Squat
I really enjoyed this one. I really should do more stretches designed around my own problem areas.
8 Creepy Mystery Ingredients in Fast Food
These are great examples of why you should be eating as many natural, organic and unprocessed foods as you can.