Michelle Tam was on a roll on Facebook lately with tips on making and peeling hard boiled eggs, which she started by posting her own article from the Nom Nom Paleo blog. She followed up with two videos from YouTube: How to Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs with a Spoon and How to Scramble Eggs Inside Their Shell
The Proper Way To Use Your Refrigerator Humidity Drawers Tips
I gave up trying to figure out my humidity drawers a long time ago. I suppose it’s time to revisit them now that I understand how they are supposed to work. The list on this page with all the fruits and veggies that go best in each drawer is really handy.
I’ve always wanted to make my own homemade ketchup but I just don’t use it often enough to warrant making a batch, especially since it only lasts up to three weeks. I suppose I could always try halving this recipe.
Benefits of Soaking Nuts and Seeds
Seeds, nuts and beans are generally fairly healthy foods, but they can be damaging to your body and tough on the gut if they aren’t soaked. Here’s a handy chart you can refer to that provides soak times, sprout times, sprout length and yield for a long list of different foods.
The Transcendent Rep – YouTube
I have never felt as spiritual about lifting weights as this guy, Elliot Hulse, but I really wish I did. If you’re looking for some motivation to get you through your next workout, watch this video. I love this quote – “It’s that last rep that your body doesn’t want to do, but your mind and your spirit has already done. The body just has to line up with it.”
I’ve just started using an ice cream maker that my aunt gave me last year. I’ve been making the Bulletproof ice cream recipe from Dave Asprey and it’s awesome! It’s probably the best tasting ice cream I’ve ever had. It’s a little expensive though, so I’m interested in trying out some other recipes. With any recipe I make, I’ll probably still had some MCT or coconut oil to add the benefits of fat.
Why Squatting Is So Important (plus Tips on How to Do It Right)
Here are a whole bunch of great reasons why everyone should squat, even people who don’t care about getting big and strong. Squat exercises will keep your body strong and healthy for as long as you do them.