It’s been a few weeks since I’ve posted a a “best of” update, but not because I haven’t been reading anything. I’ve just been so busy on the weekends, which is when I normally post these updates. So this week I’m bringing you a bigger update than usual. Enjoy!
Put down the smart drugs – cognitive enhancement is ethically risky business
This article discusses the possibility of smart drugs, such as ritalin and modafinil, becoming so common that every one will need to use them just to get through school or to keep a job. I think it’s a great discussion to have, because really, why wouldn’t people start using them to get an edge on their competition? The implications of this is scary. If smart drugs become as commonplace as something like coffee, we could be expected to perform better all the time or risk losing employment, and businesses might hire fewer people who are willing to work longer hours. Sports enhancing drugs is a common problem right now, even for athletes who don’t want to take them because they feel like they need to take drugs just to keep up with everyone else in the sport who is using them. The same could happen with smart drugs and daily life.
15 Non-Kitchen Tools to Use in the Kitchen
Here are the few that I really liked: use heating pads to incubate yogurt or to raise bread dough, use bobby pins to remove cherry pits, and separate egg whites from yolks with a water bottle.
Two small studies, both performed in 2006, showed that physical exercise, relaxation, massage, and body awareness exercises increase muscle strength and aerobic fitness and can also significantly decrease the symptoms cancer patients suffer due to chemotherapy.
Quick way to peel new potatoes
This is a drill with a toilet brush attached (new toilet brush of course). This is being demonstrated on New Potatoes, or freshly harvested young potatoes, which are softer than larger potatoes, so I’m not sure if this will work for all potatoes.
How the Sweetener Industry Sugar-Coats Science
Another example of how big business intimidates and influences scientists and health organizations into not telling the whole truth about the foods we eat.
Dan Kois on His Month Without Sitting
We’ve all heard about how sitting can take years off of our lives. Dan Kois, a professional writer and editor, has heard this too and he decided to go to the other extreme. He didn’t sit down for a whole month except to drive, sleep, or poop, and once during a theatrical play. Standing all the time is just as bad as sitting all the time, but hey, it was for the story! I feel exhausted just reading this article.
Most Popular Fitness Trends – The Onion
I have to admit that I haven’t tried any of these workouts yet, although I’ve witnessed “Competitively Trying To Run Faster Than The Asshole Next To You On The Treadmills” routine many times in the past 😉
NY style paleo pizza crust. Yes, really
I haven’t tried this pizza recipe yet, but I’m saving it here for later. I really miss pizza…
Which Weight Loss Supplements Are Best?
The researchers at do a lot of interesting tests of supplements. This news release doesn’t go into detail regarding specific brands, but they do show which types of supplements passed their test for quality and which show real evidence that they can help with weight loss. At the top of the list is 7-keto DHEA, followed by conjugated linoleic acid, green tea extract, green coffee bean extract, and finally garcinia cambogia extract. Due to potentially dangerous caffeine content, none of the herbal stimulant blends they tested passed all quality tests.
How Dangerous Is Licking a Batter-Covered Spoon?
I never the lick the spoon if I make something that contains eggs, despite the strong temptation. One of my biggest worries about homemade ice cream is that the eggs aren’t cooked. I still make it though! It looks like recommends cooking the eggs at 160 degrees F, and then using it. Good idea!
The Rich Food Summer BBQ Guide
We all love to BBQ during the summer, but many of us don’t use best practices regarding our health. This BBQ guide from Jason and Mira Calton, the authors of Rich Food Poor Food, provides tips on how to prevent HCA formation (chemicals that cause cancer), how to avoid overcooking, how to protect against toxins, how to choose the healthiest meats and how to prepare your food in the best way possible. There are some great summer recipes in here too.
Here’s a quick little tip for the ladies who want to wear skirts when they ride their bikes.
Easiest way to cook and shuck a corn
I try to cook all of my food traditionally as often as possible, not only because I think it’s healthier, but because it tastes better, but I’m willing to use the microwave to try this one out.
The Oatmeal’s DOs and DO NOTs of Running your First Marathon
Hilarious…and totally true 😉