It’s a been a rough past few weeks. My wife tore her meniscus at the Rugged Maniac in Denver three weeks ago and she just had surgery on her knee to repair it last Monday, which means I have to work from home to help my wife and care for our daughter as much as I can throughout the day, while still getting my 8 hours of work in for the day. It’s exhausting!
But, I still managed to read some great articles.
There’s an article from the NY Times about the importance of taking a break from work that has been doing its rounds on social media all week. I think most of us can relate to this one. I know I sure do.
I also found some good tips for women on building strength for the muscles used when having sex. Don’t let a cramp kill the mood!
There’s an interesting study recently published related to epigenetics which shows that Holocaust survivors who have suffered trauma have passed their altered genes on to their children.
And one of the coolest books I’ve ever heard about is a children’s book designed to get kids to sleep faster. I don’t know if I’m going to order the paperback or the Kindle version of this book but I plan to get it and I can’t wait to see if it works on my daughter.
There are a couple more helpful articles listed below as well.
Getting Workaholics to Stop and Recharge
I am admittedly a workaholic. I work a lot. I work on the bus to and from work. I work after my wife and daughter go to bed. I’m 33 and I’ve never taken a vacation from work. I know it’s important to take a break and I’ve experimented with yoga and meditation as a method of stress relief and relaxing with great success, but my problem is keeping it routine.
There was an interesting statistic in the article that might help me take this more seriously though, which said that a recent report found that people who work more than 55 hours a week have a 33 percent greater chance of a stroke and 13 percent higher risk of heart disease. That’s scary. Now if I can only find a cryotherapy spa nearby 😉
Some great exercise tips here for women on targeting muscle groups used in various sexual positions. For women who like to straddle, add some wall squats to your exercise routine to strengthen the muscles needed to keep from cramping up. If flexibility is important, do some frog stretches. If your hips and legs are sore in the morning after sex, you need to work on strengthening your abductor muscles.
Technology to Keep Swimmers Safe
This neat invention is basically an emergency flotation device attached to your wrist. Activate it in an emergency and the CO2 cartridge will inflate the device, pulling you to surface of the water. You still need to pull yourself onto the flotation device but it still can be a lifesaver.
Study of Holocaust survivors finds trauma passed on to children’s genes
This study found that the genetic changes caused by the trauma suffered by Holocaust survivors has the possibility to be passed on to their children. The researchers found that the children of the Jewish Holocaust survivors they studied have increased likelihood of stress disorders, which they could only atribute to the Holocaust exposure in the parents.
Crazy stuff!
This is not entirely new to me after learning a little bit about epigenetics in the Better Baby Book from Dave and Lana Asprey, but it’s interesting to see more evidence of how our genes are altered so far down the line of our ancestry.
5 Essential Oil Recipes to Suit Your Mood
There are three recipes here that use a candle lamp diffuser and two that go right into a spray bottle. If you’re looking for essential oil recipes to help with relaxation, grounding, contentment, strength, or creativity, check this post out.
Bedtime story uses psychological tricks to get kids to sleep faster
I want this book! My daughter isn’t bad about going to sleep but what parent doesn’t want their kids to fall asleep faster? Such a great idea for a book! “The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall Asleep” is on Amazon for $13 in paperback or $7.50 on Kindle. Great price if it works!
The Secret Fitness Tracker on Your iPhone
This article claims that the step counter on your iPhone is already active, but I checked mine and it wasn’t. I have the iPhone 5 and it looks like it’s only compatible on the Iphone 5s, 6 and 6 Plus. Damn!